Вот ещё инфа от cerious'a на facepunch:
2:03 PM - cerious: ...Team Fortress 2 Beta?
2:03 PM - DL: cant tell u
edit: He's playing it at the moment - however, "view game info" doesn't work. DAMNIT VALVE.
double edit:
cerious: who told you what? lol
[WAF] Mλtt - Left4Bowmen -: Randdalf has a friend in it
[WAF] Mλtt - Left4Bowmen -: He said there was no nda
[WAF] Mλtt - Left4Bowmen -: Non Disclosure Agreement (Соглашение о неразглашении)
[Φ] Randdalf: he said they were testing a new wrench(новый ключ инжа), new heavy gloves(новые перчатки хевика), new spy suit (новый комстюм спая), and no dbl jump on sandman(нет дабл джампа с сендменом о_О )
[Φ] Randdalf: engy runs faster but cannot upgrade buildings(инжинер бегает быстрее но не может апгрейдить пушки)
[Φ] Randdalf: heavy runs faster with gloves out, but does 20% less damage (хеви бегает быстрее с мили оружием,но наносит на 20% меньше урона)
И какбэ
взято с tf2world.ru